DEI Consultancy

We use evidence-based solutions to drive measurable impact

Many organisations struggle to make progress on their DEI targets, despite their best intentions. We partner with our clients to understand the root cause of their challenges and recommend targeted, evidenced-based DEI activities that drive measurable change.

What we offer

Our process

We will walk you through each step of creating your DEI strategy, from scoping, design, and development to delivery and implementation. With a clear DEI Strategy, your organisation will have a focused action plan to achieve your diversity and inclusion goals.

  1. 01. Scope

    We start by building an accurate picture of where you are currently by analyzing your workforce data and engagement survey results, reviewing key policies and practices, conducting benchmark studies, interviewing stakeholders, and running employee focus groups.

    Once we have gained an accurate picture of your workplace we identify the root causes of your DEI challenges. This enables us to set sensible targets and recommend focused DEI initiatives that will drive sustainable change.

  2. 02. Design

    Using key insights from the scoping phase, we use our unique impact-driven strategy framework to design your customised DEI strategy. Our framework defines the impact you want to have, the key outcomes you hope to achieve, and the outputs required to achieve these outcomes.

    We work in collaboration with you and your team to co-develop a strategy that is fit for the purpose.

  3. 03. Develop

    Once the strategy is approved we move into the details, identifying evidence-based activities that have been shown to reliably drive the outputs you hope to achieve. We seek input from employees and leaders to strengthen our recommendation and ensure we fully meet the needs of your organisation.

    In this stage we will also make revisions to existing policies and practices to ensure they have been de-biased.

  4. 04. Deliver

    In the final stage, we work with you to secure leadership approval for the final strategy and targets. We define what resources you will need to deliver the strategy, identify key roles and responsibilities, and set key performance indicators to track implementation. We also develop a compelling communication plan to launch your strategy to the full organisation.

Client Testimonials

See what some of our clients have to say about working with us

Case Studies

Read case studies from our clients

Global Healthcare Company

65,000 Employees
Revenue of 2.5 Billion

Global Healthcare Company is Asia’s largest international private healthcare group focused on upmarket health services. As part of their 2022 ESG strategy and road map, Global Healthcare Company was keen to partner with INCLUDE to design bespoke and evidence-based strategies.

Objective: To audit the current state of D&I at Global Healthcare Company and design a bespoke 3-year strategy specific for 4 different Global Healthcare Company country markets: Singapore, Malaysia, India, and China.


  • Country-specific strategies were successfully developed based on extensive locally relevant audits, reviews and revision of policies and practices across the 4 markets (Singapore, Malaysia, India, and China).
  • Accompanying the strategy was a detailed 3-year pragmatic action plan specific to each market in Asia and addressing their individual needs.


9,700 Employees
80 countries
100 nationalities represented

CGIAR is a global research partnership for a food-secure future dedicated to reducing poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and improving natural resources. CGIAR operates in six regions, including Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Objective: To audit and design a Gender, Diversity and Inclusion (GDI) strategy and action plan to advance GDI in CGIAR’s global workplaces.


  • GDI Framework and Action Plan outlining 22 key objectives with 108 detailed targets.
  • A publicly available Workforce Dashboard and GDI Matrix, which provides DEI insights in CGIAR’s workplaces, measuring progress against 15 indicators.
  • Significant advancement of gender equity within the Executive Leadership from 29% to 41%.

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